"Restore our fortunes Lord, like streams in the Negev." - Psalm 126:4
As we enter this month of March, I've been living with the sense of expectation that the Lord will lead us into a new season of prayer, generosity and mission.
On Sunday 19th January 2025 we gathered for a Celebration Sunday where all three sites of City Church came together to celebrate all that God has done in the life of our church and to also look ahead.
I’m really looking forward to our five Christmas carol services that are being held on Sunday 15th December across our three locations in Bristol.
As the end of our financial year has passed we have good news to report! We want to thank you for your generous and sacrificial giving that has enabled so much within our church and beyond it.
In 2004, John Hosier, a well respected and gifted Bible teacher in Newfrontiers, preached at City Church from Acts 11 in which he used the church in Antioch as an example for us to follow.
I have had a wonderful sabbatical this summer and so for those who are interested to hear what I got up to, I thought I’d share a few reflections.
We launched the dream of a low support house at City Church in January 2024 and asked for investors who would purchase a property.
It’s a great privilege to be given a sabbatical this year and I’m incredibly grateful to the Elders, Trustees and Staff Team for allowing me to take this time out.
In 2022, Debbie and I moved to Leicester to start the journey of planting Anthem Church. We were joined by Brendon and Debbie from the Bradley Stoke site and a couple of other friends and family who lived in Leicester.
At Easter we celebrate the very heart of the gospel: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
As we look ahead to our gift days in March 2024, we wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on our generosity and stewardship as a church in the last financial year, and how we have done so far this year.
On Sunday 21st January, we are starting a new 6 week preaching series called Loving People Towards Jesus. The series will be about how through our existing friendships and relationships and others that we meet, we can introduce people to Jesus in a way that is natural, relaxed and fruitful.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens highlights the contrast between the poor (Tiny Tim) and the wealthy (Ebenezer Scrooge).
We are starting a new teaching series in October called Follow Jesus all about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Discipleship is something that is often talked about, but can be confusing about what it actually means and what is involved.
I wonder if you can remember what it was like walking into City Church for the first time? How did you feel? What did you notice first? What did you come away thinking most about?
Over the last few years we have brought various teams and leaders together to pray, to hear from God and to discuss where we believe God is leading us as a church
A few weeks ago I spoke about the importance of considering the natural world. It’s an instruction that Jesus gave in the sermon on the mount:
28 See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Following the success of Life in the Spirit earlier this year we are going to be holding a similar format of midweek gatherings in Spring 2023. This time round we will be teaching through some of the core beliefs and values that shape us as a church, such as: grace, team, diverse family, Word, Spirit and gospel.
Once again we want to thank you for being such a wonderfully generous church! We’re so grateful that God continues to provide for all that we need